Monday, February 16, 2009

Living the Wild Life

Today was filled with excitement! The girls and their friend knitted with their "Nifty Nitters" while watching Nancy Drew. They really know how to live it up!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's Official-Not Only Are Teachers Underpaid-They Are Over-Germed

Teachers are at the top of the list for the germiest jobs. We are above the trash collectors and doctors when it comes to handling the most germs. This explains why for many years my mother-in-law would come home from teaching first grade and hop right into the shower. This explains why I constantly have a runny nose & seem to go from one cold to the next. Why, just yesterday one of my little lovelies sneezed right on me! If you want to know whether or not your profession is in the top 10 of the germiest read on at