I haven't posted anything in awhile, mainly because school has been sucking the life out of me. May is a stressful time of year for me (and probably many other teachers) as I try to cram every last bit of learning into my little lovelies in hopes that they will do well on the end-of-level tests. This year we are taking our tests online---I know this sounds like a great idea, and it is for some. However, the same students that randomly fill in the bubbles with pencil can now move much more quickly by clicking on any old answer that looks good. With much frustration, I watched one of my students move through a 54 question reading test in less than 10 minutes. Keep in mind that there were 7-8 passages that went along with the questions. Now, I consider myself pretty smart. I also consider myself a quick reader. However, there is no way in ---- that I could have read those passages and answered all the questions in 10 minutes!
May will soon be over, along with testing---only 14 more days to go!
Light after dark.
8 years ago