Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We recently celebrated Halloween with our 6th Annual Pre-Trick-or-Treating Bash. We served hot dogs & chili to over 140 people.

The girls then had plans of their own. Delaney went to a Halloween party with some of her friends from school. She dressed as a "fancy lady". I am not sure what that is, seeing as how I am pretty much a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal.

Addy was a princess. She designed her own dress, which a lady from Darren's school was kind enough to sew for her. Darren applied her "eyelashes" and she was off to trick-or-treat the neighborhood with friends. They went out on their own until it got dark and started to rain. We then hauled them up the hill where the houses are bigger and apparently the candy is better (I don't see the connection, but to Addy there is one).

1 comment:

Stirling's said...

Looks fun girls! Sorry we didn't make it to the Halloween Bash! Time got away from us that day!