From the beginning Addy developed the nickname "Addytude" because she has always had a mind of her own and her own way of doing everything. As a baby my dad nicknamed her "Spider" because of her long arms and legs. My mom has always called Addy "Goober". Addy says a goober is a kind of fish or peanut, but she doesn't know why Nana calls her this! I have always called her "Addybug". Another name she has been called, but hates, is her full name, Adalynne Jane. She doesn't like this because she says I only say it when she is in trouble! She is probably right.
Here are some funny & great things about our girl Addy...
-She is extremely funny. Most people don't know this. People who see her at school and church are always surprised when I tell them that Addy is a clown at home. She has many funny voices (ask her to do the MotoMoto voice from Madagascar 2) and funny faces.
-She still likes to snuggle with me. I normally am not a "touchy feely" kind of gal, but I love snuggling with Addy. It doesn't matter where I am, she always seems to find her way right into the middle of my lap. I don't know how much longer she will continue with this, but for now I will enjoy it.
-She takes every opportunity to sleep on the couch. Every week-end, holiday break, & during summer vacation she sets up house with her blanket and any number of stuffed animals on the couch downstairs. She stays up late and ALWAYS falls asleep to the same movie-The Great Outdoors.
-She eats just about anything, but never seems to gain weight. Just this week we went to the pediatrician for 7th grade shots. Addy weighs only 82 pounds. She is in the 4 percentile for her weight & 87 percentile for her height. The doctor told me that Addy needs to eat more. The problem is, Addy already eats a ton, but she never seems to put on any pounds. If only I had this problem, I wouldn't be worrying about losing that annoying baby weight that has plagued me for the past 12 years.
Today Addy wants to celebrate her day with a movie day. She has her bed all set up on the couch. She has the popcorn popper ready to go upstairs. And, she has asked me to spend the whole day with her watching movies. What more could a mom ask for?? Happy B-day Addybug.
Happy Birthday, Addy! We love you! Hope you had a great time watching movies with your mom!
Happy Birthday Addy! : )
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